Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brianhead to clear the Head...

In my Environmental Psychology courses we talked a lot about how being in nature can help restore mental health. I strongly believe this is true, and I needed some of this natural healing. I am pretty sure my brain has melted, or I have beginning stages of Alzheimer's. Either way, my brain has been on vacation so I figured I would join in the fun. Not to mention it is friggin HOT. Yes people, St George is not my favorite in the dead of summer. It's all awesome sauce until crayons melt in your car, or your credit cards warp in your wallet. Oh wait.. my favorite is when your nice cold fresh soda is watered down muck within minutes. Yuck. So off to Brianhead we went. 
It was incredible. Now, my sanity and soda was not the only reason for this little voyage.
I wanted to have one last get away with my kids for the summer. Sometimes I look at them and can't believe how big they are. It is incredible how much they change, everyday. Every now and then I just want to stop time, make memories, and capture each moment with them. I also feel that with melted brain, I have been a melted Mom. Hitting Boiling point over the dumbest things, and letting my temper fly off the handle. Needless to say they needed a cool down too.

Here are a couple pics from the first night. Swimming, board games, and Pizza in a little cabin condo. So much fun.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

I love the domino train. The kids are darn cute too. I think dad and I will have to do this next year.